Stefadina Publishing

Stefadina Publishing

Stefadina Publishing was incorporated in 2014 at the initiative of our education and scientific team. It aims to promote the scientific research concerning Romania’s national history, international relations and of the religious thought and practice as a universal value. We firmly stand for the promotion of authentic scientific research which promotes the national culture.

We aim to support any form of scientific research, allowing the researcher a great deal of creativity and independence and inspiring him or her to be responsible and inclined towards cultural and social evolution. Apart from our specialized periodical “Stefadina....files of archive”, we have published a great deal of reference books in the fields of political, social, humane, and natural sciences, medicine or divinity studies.

Stefadina Publishing works toward publishing well established Romanian and foreign personalities, supports and organizes book launches and scientific conferences as follows:

Stefadina...archive files no. 2/ 2016

This anniversary number continues to promote valorize new researchers, intense documentation put together in innovative articles which further the Romanian conscious home and abroad.

We can wholeheartedly say that only by advancing step by step we dared to create a team. Life showed us that those involved in archive research have to dare towards progress with professionalism, consciousness and trust.

  • Stefadina Publishing – “Stefadina…archive files”
  • Pages:164

 - Stefadina Publishing
On history’s porch

“Speculatively speaking, or perhaps for marketing or profoundly thought author’s evaluations made by his wife or his mother – or both, it wouldn’t be surprising or without importance that Radu Buzăianu gives us a rare collection of spectacular interviews, not unique but in their own right.”

Cornel Constantin CIOMÂZGĂ

  • Author: Radu Buzăianu
  • Pages: 162
  • Year: 2016

 - Stefadina Publishing
Voineștii Covasnei in pictures and words

“Florentina Teaca’s book comes as a great gift to those, past and present who sanctified through the years the Romanian land. It was with great happiness to see this volume at a time when I was saddened by the complete lack of any official action towards the celebration of 100 years of Romania’s millennial dream.”

Corneliu-Mihail LUNGU

  • Author: Florentina Teacă
  • Pages: 89
  • Year: 2016

 - Stefadina Publishing
Stefadina...archive files no. 1/2006

After two decades we can wholeheartedly say that everything we have done and takes pride of is thanks to our firm contact with the reality, proving once again that success has not changed us.
This number is dedicated to some of the most important historical figures and to the events which have shaped modern Romania. The great collection of studies and research articles sheds a new light on the not so distant past, even to the most avid historical researchers.

  • Stefadina Publishing – “Stefadina…files of archive”
  • Pages: 154

 - Stefadina Publishing
Lonely season

“Lonely season” is the fourth volume after Beggars for stars (2011), “(i)llegal season – light” (2013), “Owl’s insomnias” (2014), “Smile within a tear” (2015) and “Shirt made of salt” (2016).

This volume is written under a heavy solitude when I cut myself from the literary sites I used to access a few years ago, this because I wanted to find myself and now if I look into the past it’s the best decision I’ve taken – said the poet Mihaela Aionesei.

  • Author: Mihaela Aionesei
  • Pages: 124
  • Year: 2016

 - Stefadina Publishing
Golden Getae

The Golden Getae are undoubtedly one of the most important phenomena in the history of mankind. They – The Danubian Knights have brought together in their sphere, the cradle of the old Europe around the Black Sea, all the people around the world, after an unprecedented cataclysm that destroyed 98% of humankind. They gave everyone a place to stay and eat, their culture, social order, and coordination, to rebuild the Tree of life in each nation.

  • Author: George V. Grigore
  • Pages: 228
  • Year: 2016

 - Stefadina Publishing
Stefadina…files of archive No. 2/2015

In our second number, we look at the past with pride and see how experience helped us to attain our goals for this year. We can count, the launch of this periodical, establishing the printing house, launching our association for training and so on. All these giving us, even more reasons to strive for the good of the Romanian society by working with archives, the primary source of our activity.

  • Stefadina Publishing – “Stefadina…files of archive”
  • Pages: 141

 - Stefadina Publishing
A life in the serving history

The volume was possible only with work and contribution of a great number of Professor Scurtu’s former classmates, students at all levels, academics and collaborators which were fortunate to have him close through his respectable career.

  • Authors: Corneliu-Mihail Lungu and Mihai Nicolae
  • Pages: 640
  • Year: 2015

 - Stefadina Publishing
Stefadina...archive files no. 1/2015

We believe that after two well received and critically acclaimed first issues we can be very optimistic about our future. Our hopes and dreams are confirmed by current issue’s thoroughly researched articles from outstanding authors, equally appreciative and in the service of the archives.

  • Stefadina Publishing – “Stefadina…files of archive”
  • Pages: 156

 - Stefadina Publishing
A drop of soul

The lyric style of this poem combines modern and classical poetry and manages to make us evade reality, in author’s words: “If I would have to characterize myself, I wouldn’t know what to say more than I am …a poet. Poetry is for me not only a way to evade reality, from a sordid day to day reality but also the way in which I’ve chosen to contribute as I can to the Romanian artistic scene.”

  • Author: Daniela Pătraşcu
  • Pages: 115
  • Year: 2015

 - Stefadina Publishing
Nutrition handbook. Food - your only medicine

Adevărata preocupare pentru stilul de viaţa ar trebui să includă preocuparea pentru sănătatea fizică, dar şi preocuparea pentru activităţi ale minţii şi sufletului. Corpul fizic nu este altceva decât un vehicul pentru suflet şi spirit.

Astfel, autorii volumul de faţă au încercat prin cunoştinţele, experienţele şi meseria lor să se aplece asupra problemelor mai sus amintite şi să lămurească cititorii că pentru a fi sănătoşi trebuie în primul rând SĂ LE PESE de propria sănătate.

There cannot be any talk about lifestyle without talking about physical health but also for the mind and soul. The physical body it’s just a vehicle for soul and spirit.

The authors of this volume have tried through their knowledge and expertise to shed a new light to the reader of why he or she SHOULD CARE about own’s health.

  • Authors: Buluş Florina, Buluş Liviu, Buluş Andrei Tudor
  • Pages: 203
  • Year: 2015

 - Stefadina Publishing
The joy of lecture - everyday thoughts

Education doesn’t end at a certain age, it develops through our entire lives, building step by step a cultural palace.
The present volume brings together the most interesting, beautiful and thoughtful sayings, quotes and popular wisdom around the world in order to give the reader a revelation for everyday’s life.

  • Author: Ion-Viorel Ioniţă
  • Pages: 342
  • Year: 2015

 - Stefadina Publishing
Stefadina...archive files no. 1-2/2014

The opportunity of a publication, regardless of its purpose and field, wouldn’t need – if you are asking us – any kind of justification. When we say so we are thinking firstly about the role played by magazines in the valorization of knowledge and expertise of everyone in his respective domain.

This magazine, regardless of its size, will debate the most pressing issues, thoughts, and not the last suggestions regarding archive work.

  • Stefadina Publishing – “Stefadina…files of archive”
  • Pages: 192

 - Stefadina Publishing
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