Scientific Communications Session “Founders of the Great Union”

May 14, 2018, “Hyperion” University

On May 14, 2018, the Faculty of Social Sciences, Humanities and Nature from “Hyperion” University – Bucharest organized the Scientific Communications Session “Founders of the Great Union”.

During the events dedicated to the CENTENARY OF THE GREAT UNION, this manifestation too was meant to sensitizing the public opinion and the state authorities, it also came to the initiative of the teaching staff, the scientific researchers and especially the students willing to learn less well known information about the context of the Romanian Completeness in 1918.

Through the presence of members from the academic corp, historians, personalities of Romanian science and culture, in the session were presented studies and documented materials about ROMANIANS, whether soldiers, intellectuals, priests, peasants, ordinary people, ROMANIANS…with love for country…what they wanted to remain anonymous, ROMANIANS, too little praised for their deeds of deep involvement and sincere patriotism in the fulfillment of the secular dream.

The teachers interventions, but also the guests, were welcomed, those being a good opportunity to bring to the foreground great moments and special people who stood at the foundation of perfecting the national ideal, the creation of the GREAT ROMANIA.