Romanian and the Balkan people, Historic-Geographical references
Bucharesti, Hyperion University
Between 12-13 of may 2014, under the lead of Hyperion University, the second edition of the International Conference “Romanian and the Balkan people, Historic-Geographical references” took place.
Those that took the word were:
Rector of the Hyperion University – Prof. univ. dr. Sever Irin Spânulescu
Academician – Sabina Ispas – Academia Română
Dr. Victor Boștinaru – deputat în Parlamentul European
Prof. univ. dr. Mourelos Ioannis
Prof. univ dr. Apostolos Patelakis
Prof. emerit univ. dr. Vasile Cucu
Prof. univ. dr. doc. Petre Gâștescu
Conf. univ. dr. Iacovos Michailidis
Prof. univ. dr. Corneliu Mihail Lungu
Prof. univ. dr. Sorin Liviu Damean
Moderator – Prof. univ. dr. Ștefan Păun