Andrei Șaguna Days, edition XXVI

June 22 – 23, 2018, Sf. Gheorghe

The 100th anniversary since the unification of Romania with Transylvania, Bukovina and Bessarabia (Greater Romania) was marked by the Saint Gheorghe county during the XXVI edition of Andrei Saguna Days. At the Ecclesiastical Documentation Centre “Metropolitan Nicolae Colan” scientific papers on the subject 1918 – an important year in realising the national ideal were presented during the first part of the conference by local and national researchers and scholars. While the second section, National Colloquium Research Group “I. I. Russu” for the study of south-eastern Transylvania, was dedicated to the new research carried out regarding the south – eastern part of Transylvania.

Its programme ended with the launch of two specialised publications on research and studies concerning history and archives: “Acta Carpatica” no. 4/2018 and “Stefadina… archive files”, no. 1/2018.

At the end of the program, were awarded the prizes I. I. Russu and Dr. Vasile Lechinţan presented some thoughts about who was acad. Nicolae Edroiu.