Symposium “Romania, between the East and the West in the Centenary Year and at 140 years after the recognition of Independence (the Treaty of Berlin)”

May 9, 2018, Titu Maiorescu University

In the context of the events dedicated to the Centenary of Great Romania, the great moments that are celebrated this year, Titu Maiorescu University from Bucharest organized on May 9, 2018 the Symposium “Romania, between the East and the West in the Centenary Year and at 140 after the recognition of Independence (the Treaty of Berlin)”.

Under the auspices of the mentioned events, members of the academic society, scientific researchers, historians, personalities of Romanian science and culture, teachers, students, the subjects touched by them presenting aspects such as:

– The Declaration of Independence (May 9, 1877) and its historical significance,

– Recognition of Independence by Great Powers. Historical, territorial, national implications. 140 years since the Treaty of San Stefano (March 3, 1878) and the Treaty of Berlin (June 13, 1878),

– Romania’s independence, a fundamental step towards the realization of the ideal of the Great Union,

– Romania in the Centenary Year. The historical consciousness between continuity and discontinuity. A Member State of the European Union, between the East and the West,

– Independence and national identity, priority themes for Romania today and tomorrow.

Discussions and interventions were welcomed, the public debate being a good opportunity to bring back to the forefront the facts and people behind the achievement of the national desideratum, the creation of Great Romania.